Young man with severed hand A young Colombian man was attacked by four others with machetes and severed his hand. Cut off the hand video You Might Be Interested In Man dies tragically between two felled trees Man with deep cut on face The father was shocked when he saw the body of his daughter being raped and killed They dismembered the victim and took out his heart Finger injuries require medical attention Wild Boar Attacks Elderly Man in Shocking Surveillance Video fightfightvideogoregorevideoshock Share 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail previous post The man lay on the street waiting for a car to come and crush him next post Russian gang cuts off a woman’s finger Related Videos Medical Video – Doctor performing brain surgery The man with the bone head Chilling Discovery: Headless Body of Man Found in... He saw his intestines sticking out The skin on his leg was removed perfectly 28-Year-Old Woman Severely Injured in Domestic Violence Incident...