The woman was in pain because her leg was crushed Brazil You Might Be Interested In The skin on his leg was removed perfectly The man lay on the street waiting for a car to come and crush him Horrible accident – They were cleaning up the crushed corpses on the highway Video 2007 Beheading and shooting dead two citizens Finger injuries require medical attention He took his wife’s severed head for a walk accidentaccidentvideocrushedgoregorevideoshock Share 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail previous post Her fingers are a great treat for the dog next post Burn thieves alive in Africa Related Videos Motorcyclist was crushed by truck at the intersection The corpses of Hamas gunmen were made fun... The ecuador gang dismembered rival gang members Tribal style circumcision somewhere in Africa A stupid young man provoked a professional policeman Tragic Betrayal: Young Man from Kushinagar Brutally Killed...