Medical Photos – Amputation of a necrotic leg The feet and legs were amputated because they were necrotic, horrifying medical photos. You Might Be Interested In Female Ukrainian soldier was killed in the trench Medical Video: Man with massive necrosis that exposed his bones and lungs Cut off his ears mercilessly Man forced to eat his ears They dismembered the victim and took out his heart The man was shocked after seeing that his leg was gone feetfeetfetishfootcutoffgorelegcutoffmedicalseveredleg Share 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail previous post The girl was hit and killed by a car while livestreaming on the side of the road next post Carelessly walking across the street- an elderly man broke his leg Related Videos The man lost a leg in an accident Venezuelan gang members are displaying a dismembered corpse Thai man committed suicide on his livestream The bully got what he deserved Video 2007 Beheading and shooting dead two citizens Mexican female circus performer in free fall