Man cut in half in an accident The man was cut in half when his motorbike collided with a truck. You Might Be Interested In Man forced to eat his ears In a work accident he lost his leg forever Her face was eaten by a wild animal Old video of al-Qaeda beheading of Shosei Koda 2004 Girl commits suicide on train tracks Found dead bodies of two girls in a house 2024bestgoreaccidentcutinhalfdismemberedgorehalfshock Share 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail previous post WTF – Somewhere In Africa There Are Savage Cannibals next post The doctor removed the long melon from the patient’s colon Related Videos The bully got what he deserved The hockey player had his throat slit during... Medical Photos – Amputation of a necrotic leg Two men are victims of sharks off the... The mechanic broke his head and his brain... Young man uses salt to cure mouth sores