Chop off a thief’s hand A thief was punished by the mob by cutting off his hand, a terrible and painful punishment. hand chopping video You Might Be Interested In The man calms down after being in an accident and having an arm amputated Dismember the body while the victim is still alive No one helped, causing the woman who was run over by a car to die Medical Compilation Shows Graphic Images of Man’s Leg Amputation Surgery Compilation of several photos of women being raped, murdered and their bodies dumped Cut off a hand with a machete as punishment for stealing goregorevideoshocktorture Share 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail previous post He’s still alive after being crushed by a truck next post Ecuador gang member beheaded Related Videos Stoned a rapist to death PHILIPPINES – man falls into truck wheel after... Pay attention when walking on the sidewalk in... Funny erotic video- Chinese girl masturbating on the... The guy was shot to death in a... Stupid girl hangs herself