Venezuelan gang members are displaying a dismembered corpse You Might Be Interested In Hey- one of my legs was cut off over there and I’m fine A severed leg floats on the water Beheading a rival gang member in the wet forest Couple hangs themselves together Her face was eaten by a wild animal The body of the man who was dismembered was found in the landfill cutintopiecesdesmembradodismemberedexecutionganggoregorevideomurdershock Share 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail previous post His intestines spilled out due to the accident next post Video compilation- medical removal of the penis or self-mutilation of the penis Related Videos Dismembered body of a terrorist in Syria Drug gangs beheading rival gang members Unique and funny sex painting The cock was cut off and shown on... Human body crushed by truck WTF- Worms crawling out of a corpse’s mouth