The cock was cut off and shown on video A very crazy video of the male genitals has been cut. The cock was cut off You Might Be Interested In The woman broke her husband’s head and used her hands to dig out his brain Mexican female circus performer in free fall The man cut off his own legs Butchering human flesh in a Brazilian prison Old man having sex with a pig The brutal torture method of the Mexican drug cartel goregorevideopenisshockWTF Share 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail previous post Traffic accident – His intestines fell out but he’s still alive next post The man who brought the severed leg back to the man in the accident Related Videos The guy landed from a height of 2... Man was killed by electric shock while repairing A car crashed into a sidewalk restaurant in... They dismembered the victim and took out his... A case of severed fingers that could not... Russian gang cuts off a woman’s finger