Slave gets penis torture Chinese porn video, Handcuffing a male slave and the girl torturing…
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Cut off a hand with a machete as punishment for stealing
by adminCut off a hand with a machete as punishment for stealing
Cut his finger with a hand cutter Perhaps he was punished by having his fingers…
Burn thieves alive in Africa Somewhere in Africa a thief was brutally burned alive by…
The poor girl was tortured China. Slavery, torture, humiliation, bullying, beatings.
The girl with her finger cut off Fat girl tied and cut off her little…
Villagers Punish rapists in Angola A rapist was brutally executed by an angry mob.
Chop off a thief’s hand A thief was punished by the mob by cutting off…
He does crazy things with his dick Insane video shows a man torturing himself by…
Prisoners are tortured and raped in prison In a prison in Chile Inmates were brutally…