PHILIPPINES – man falls into truck wheel after another man’s “knock out” After another man’s…
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PHILIPPINES – man falls into truck wheel after another man’s “knock out” After another man’s…
Horse riding accident leads to death The guy was killed by his own horse.
He does crazy things with his dick Insane video shows a man torturing himself by…
Prisoners are tortured and raped in prison In a prison in Chile Inmates were brutally…
Stupid challenge – He destroyed his friend’s hand Stupid Game – He let his friend…
He cut off the dog’s head and fucked its esophagus The Chinese guy cut off…
Torture Porn Videos – She tortures his penis with her amazing erotic skills
Stupid game that disregards life Stupid game- the guy holding the target for amateur shooters.
The girl regretted her decision to commit suicide by jumping off the building A man…
The guy was beaten like a child