ISIS execute video- Behead with one slash Slow motion video captures ISIS hostage beheading. ISIS hostage beheading You Might Be Interested In The stupid guy was buried alive Cut off a hand with a machete as punishment for stealing The severed head of the kidnapped man was found Motorcyclist was crushed by truck at the intersection Chilling Discovery: Headless Body of Man Found in Nigeria, Brutally Executed by BLACK AXE Gang Cut off his limbs while he was still alive beheadeddecapitatedexecutiongoregorevideoheadshotisiskillseveredheadshockWTF Share 1 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail previous post She is so tired of life next post Brazilian gang is cutting off a man’s head Related Videos HOW to break your own neck The brutality of the drug cartel ECUADOR Woman crushed on the street His leg almost fell off The monkey is masturbating with his frog friend Prisoners are tortured and raped in prison