ISIS execute video- Behead with one slash Slow motion video captures ISIS hostage beheading. ISIS hostage beheading You Might Be Interested In Men and women were torn to pieces in a horrific accident Man’s body split in half Cut off the man’s head with a dull machete Clean up crushed bodies on the highway The stupid house painter who despises electricity Woman crushed on the street beheadeddecapitatedexecutiongoregorevideoheadshotisiskillseveredheadshockWTF Share 2 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail previous post She is so tired of life next post Brazilian gang is cutting off a man’s head Related Videos The truck driver is resting Villagers Punish rapists in Angola She is so tired of life He used a severed hand to hold the... He was still alive even though his head... Medical Team Removes Large Wooden Stake from Patient...