India a man riding a motorbike was crushed on the road You Might Be Interested In Indian man beheaded by electric wire Medical Video- We have a head that needs to be examined He recorded the moment he ate a bird’s head raw He seemed to be decapitated by a golf cart accident 70 year old woman crushed by bus The man was knocked over by the train and cut in half 2024bestgoreaccidentvideocrushedgoregorevideoindiashock Share 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail previous post Man Beheaded Another Man and Had Anal Sex With Victim next post A police officer was crushed Related Videos The unlucky man fell from the ceiling and... The strong collision caused the motorcyclist’s head to... Cut his finger with a hand cutter Villagers attack three men for blasphemy Motorcyclist was crushed by truck at the intersection Venezuela- Man was dismembered by drug gang