He had both legs amputated by the train Man in pain after being run over by train and severed his legs. You Might Be Interested In Clean up crushed bodies on the highway The guy who drives the car stupidly Medical photos – Patients’ arms and legs are necrotic due to different causes The accident caused her to lose her hair Fierce and bloody gun battle Amputation of a limb with a wire saw in surgery accidentaccidentvideogoregorevideolegcutoffseveredlegshock Share 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail previous post A severed penis next post He used a severed hand to hold the cigarette Related Videos Dancing sexy in front of a dead body... Pay attention when walking on the sidewalk in... Female secretary fucks with boss in office The guy landed from a height of 2... Woman crushed on the street He Beats His Girlfriend For Proposing To Him