A lonely foot on the road Jamaica- man suffered serious injuries in accident, One of his arms and feet were amputated. You Might Be Interested In The man was brutally gored by a bull Indonesian man dismembered his wife’s body Medical Video- Medical staff examine a nearly severed foot The guy holding his severed hand and talking calmly A severed penis Brazilian gangs love to behead rival members with blunt knives 2025bestgoreaccidentaccidentvideofeetfeetfetishfootcutoffgoregorevideoshock Share 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail previous post Elderly Man Dies After Losing Control of Homemade Tractor in China next post Man driving recklessly had his penis cut off Related Videos The man had both his feet amputated by... Fake video – Man cuts a woman’s throat WTF- The dog fucks the pig Butchering human flesh in a Brazilian prison Unique and funny sex painting The man was dismembered in the bathroom