The bodies of the men were dismembered and dumped You Might Be Interested In He couldn’t live on his motorbike like that Two young girls were executed in the night She poured gasoline on her body and lit a lighter The mechanic broke his head and his brain was thrown out The woman was carrying a knife that was stuck in her back Corpses waiting to be eaten by vultures- Tibetan Sky Burial beheadedbeheadingdesmembradodismemberedexecutionganggoreheadlesskillmexicoseveredheadshock Share 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail previous post There is a severed male head placed on a concrete stake next post The woman was carrying a knife that was stuck in her back Related Videos A serious accident broke her leg Clean up crushed bodies on the highway The severed head of the kidnapped man was... She has a severed penis for fun He Beats His Girlfriend For Proposing To Him Dead body in concrete mixer truck